August 6 2020
Hello and welcome back I hope you and your loved ones are in good health and are staying safe from the pandemic. There is a new Jak The Knife out now the CD is called " We Are Heavy Metal" and available in stores now.
Click on the cover art it will take you to Itunes.
Check out this site's media page to hear and see the videos to a couple of tunes off this CD
In other news we continue to record new originals we are about to begin recording a new song entitled
"The Serpent's Kiss" and if it comes out like I have it playing in my head it should be really cool. Will it be heavy? I believe its quite a heavy song yes lol. We also continue to film videos and post them on Youtube all kinds of songs we are always challenging ourselves with new cover tunes.
As always you are welcome to check out my Youtube channel or be a friend on Facebook or The Gram.
Hey that is pretty much it for now ppl please check out my tunes on the "We Are Heavy Metal" CD Itunes Spotify Amazon etc, hopefully you'll like a couple of tunes as these songs were not ever rushed to be written or recorded they were very well thought out in our best musical ability and not until we felt that the writing and arrangements were the best that we can offer did we record them. Thanks again for stopping by and let me know what you think through any social media platform Instagram, Facebook etc,. Best wishes.
~Jak The Knife. In Rock.
June 12, 2019
Latest single out "Wrath Of The Witch" Pt III now available at my You tube channel. This is part three to the "Dallington Witch" series. You can see the video in its entirety on the home page here.
I am looking forward to releasing all of my original songs that I have recorded since the last CD "Metal For The Masses" The Cd is yet untitled but it will be a sort of greatest hits package of all the latest material on up to my latest original "Wrath Of The Witch" Pt III. We continue to produce videos on Youtube and as always you are very welcome to pass by and check them out and if you so wish subscribe, also as part of an update to this site I am probably gonna make a "My Gear" page so I can share details of the gear that I currently use and have been using for years, its uniqueness, vintage qualities etc, Friends I am on Twitter as well as on Instagram all under Jak The Knife, do come by and be a friend. Take care and keep on keepin on'.
`Jak The Knife ~In Rock
September 6, 2013
Hello and thank you for stopping by my website. We do have recent and very important news to tell you all about. First and foremost I am very happy to announce the release of my long awaited third CD. it is a new CD simply entitled "Metal For The Masses" which is a killer compilation of all the material that I have written and produced in the last year and that also until now it's music has not been available anywhere for purchase and download.
The songs contained in this CD have been posted on my Youtube channel as they have been completed but this is the official Jak The Knife third release. "Metal For The Masses" is a CD release of very well thought out and meticulously written material and now it will be available for download.
The "Metal For The Masses" is being released on September 25, 2013 and is packed with some of my best musical compositions to date . As you know I have been writing music for a large part of my adult life but it is now with this more valuable added experience that we are able to put out an outstandingly produced CD that is to ours and hopefully to your satisfaction.
The track list is a as follows:
Jak The Knife
"Metal For The Masses"
1. Prepare To Fight
2. The Fallen Hero
3. Island In The Sun
4. The Metal Law
5. The Witch Horror Of The Enchanted Dallington Forest
6. The Uninvited
7.Stand Up
8. The Mourning Dress
9. In This Lonely Place
10. Immigrant song
Look out for my cd "Metal For The Masses " at your favorite music download and streaming websites and by all means do let me know what you think for as always you all are very welcome to sign on to any of the social media pages be it Youtube, Tweeter or my Facebook pages you all are always welome. Again thank you for stopping by and check out "Metal For The Masses " it is a CD packed with killer Metal Rock!.
Cheers lads, \m/
Jak The Knife
September 20th 2012
Hey there, some news to tell ya about and updating this site in general here. Yeah well we have a new single out there now a very mean song called "PrepareTo Fight! " it has been well received by the few who have listened to it and it shall be released as a track in the next Jak The Knife CD entitled " Heavy Rock Materail" possibly due this winter 2013. We now are in the process of recording a brand new track as yet untitled but it promises to be very interesting and of course heavy in nature.
We have been making progress in the audio production knowhow area and that is audibly obvious when you listen to "Prepare To Fight!". Have a listen and by all means tell me what you think or what I can do to better or things or any opinions you have I most welcome your thoughts and opinions. Subscribe to my Youtube which is where I release samples of forthcoming releases and then Facebook fan or even my personal page. All links are here somewhere. We have a new Les Paul guitar and some new recording software and we are very grateful and lucky to be able to express our selves and put out original music without having to ride the coat tails of any other artist's work. We as musicians have to be able to put out original music or otherwise everyone will end up copying one another to death. OK so thank you for your time and check back soon at any of these social places on the web where Jak The Knife music and news can be found. Cheers and thank you.
March 28th, 2012
Hey there how are we doing? I hope yu are doing well . Ok so the latest Jak The Knife song has been released and it is called "In This Lonely Place" and we here are very happy indeed on how well it came out, the production is fantastic considering it was not an easy song to make "come to life" sort of speak and that is always the objective here to try to produce what I hear in my head and transcend that into an audio reality so yes there was indeed a lot of work done to produce something competitive but all in all I am very happy with the result and it was an excellent learning experience as always.
Presently I feel very fortunate these days to be able to write a song, play with it , record it at my own leisure, produce it and then release it to the world. I always say this "Art is, something creative that comes from absolute nothing"
In my opinion "In This Lonely Place"is a fabulous track very heavy in some instances yet still retains a sense of romance since it is after all a simple story of love survival and recovery so again I am very pleased on how it turned out. "In This Lonely Place" is now up on my youtube channel at and the song will also be available at most downloadable sites very soon. Please come by and check it out.
Ok so future plans, well there are more songs of course but perhaps of different characters perhaps a very heavy song is in me still but also there is one that already has been written out and as I have mentioned before this is a Beatlesque novelty kind of track and it is called "The Stork" or simply " Stork " and that's about a very conceited bird that only swims at the pond at night ha ha but you shall see as his behaviour is fully explained : ) so perhaps that will run along with the scorcher metal tune as to give ya a war of the musical worlds vibe and that's is what is in my near musical future.
I say lets put out original content out there right? because this is what music needs right now originality, too many so called artists are duplicating old material and although it is refreshing to have a modern twist to a classic song it is still old and for the artist it is basically riding the coat tails of original msuical artists the ones who wrote and and created. Also I will be making more videos on youtube of some classic songs so that is always fun but look out for more originals for sure so again pass by all the known sites be and be a friend or subscribe, join, etc, etc, . Ok that's all for now folks please be safe be cool be all you can be in the army. Cheers and thank you very much for your time!
, Jak
Jan 22, 2012
Hey folks finally get to edit the site it was out of commish for a while but hey here is an update for the new year. Well, we're working on a five song video that will include some classic rock and some heavy stuff I call it "When classic meets heavy" all tracks will be played in my own style so stay tuned for that because it's gonna be if not good then interesting : ) On the songwriting front, yeah we're still in pre-prodcution status with the latest Jak The Knife song " In This Lonely Place" but I assure you it will be very very good.
We have been updating some gear in my recording studio Vertical Smiles studio and all this will have a positive impact on the production quality on the next couple of songs. Again watch out for the new songs because they will sound awsome, so I guess that's it for now but hey please come by my youtube page and subscribe or join my facebook pages be it the fan page or the personal there's nothing personal in both I pour my heart out and make shitloads of corny jokes in either so all the same but I do tell it ike it is so..but do come by and join what I call "the beloved" what else hmm... I'm on Tweetter too @Jak_The_Knife so join me on that to blah blah blah cause hey the more friends the better correct? and we meet in rock that's what we have in common so where do we meet? we meet in rock and with that lets roll. Ok thanks again and stay rockin'! \m/
September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011
Hey guys great news. Iluvsluts.records has released the next Jak The knife CD consisting of 9 smokin' tracks. The Cd is entitled "Demigod" and it is now readily available for review and whole or individual track purchase at most mp3 stores including Itunes and at , as well as Amazon On Demand, Napster etc, etc so yes all that hard work the we put into the writing and producing of this CD and every other effort that goes with making a CD like "Demigod" available to you as a complete array of killer Heavy Metal... is finally complete.
I cordially envite you to please check it out at your most convenient time and if you like a track you know what to do : ) I do wanna thank the additional musicians that were an integral part in the making of this work my very talented kid brother Sean whose vocal power is just outstanding and who is featured on three of tracks of the CD and of course Lousinanna's own drummer extraordinaire.. Mr. Louis "Screwey Loue" Crothers.
My promise: We shall by the power invested in me and through proper rest and good nourishment continue to create the heaviiest tastiest rock we can. That is my promise to you and if you want that in writting send a self addressed envelope to my email's p.o. box again I do thank you so very much for all your support and as usual I wish you nothing, listen here... NOTHING!! but the very best!. I see ya'll later. Rock on now.
July 14 2011- Gonna be making a video playing the KISS classic "God Of Thunder" perhaps "Strutter" and "Paranoid from Black Sabbath. I'll have to see what develops best but as it stands now definitely "God Of Thunder" it sounds fantastic just the way I have been playing and singing it lately etc, Looking forward to sharing it with you all stay tuned.
July 9 2011 -There are plans to record a brand new track folks and this one is called "The Stork" . All the music for "The Stork" has mostly been written. I feel the name is fitting because the song has a novelty, comical or child like quality to it and it is certainly different in essence and feel but will of course retain the familiar character of a rocking Jak The Knife composition. More updates on this as it unfolds. Thank you. God bless.
August 23, 2011
I have a gmail account now from where you can contact me as well, also be sure to check out the " Mississipi Queen" cover now on my youtube channel and yes we're stil planning to do a very mean cover of "Paranoid" Jak The knife style : ) Also I'm looking to start the recording of " The Stork" within the next couple of weeks. I will update all progress through my Facebook an page here there everywhere so yeah lots of cool stuff happening please be sure to come back and check new developments. Be good and Cya soon!